Monday, 28 March 2011

28th March 2011

Today, I was able to fix my Powerpoint on Question 4 & 5 to my Evaluation and uploaded it onto, Slideshare, with the Post Above.

There are meant to be movement animations for my Power Point, however the technology on Slideshare, for some reason, doesn't allow it.
In the original method, Powerpoint was meant to have items fly in or fade, creating an artistic effect, however the technology isn't at a good phase for working online yet.

I now plan to continue with questions, 1-3 & 6-7, in order to have my Evaluation fixed by, Next Friday...

Monday, 21 March 2011

21st March 2011

Today, I began to work on my Evaluation for my Music Magazine Project, with Questions 4 & 5, I shall be doing them in, Powerpoint, adding Animation on the text & image to create a sense of Interactive in it.

I shall continue to work more on this Evaluation, by doing more on Question 4 & 5 and answering to the other Five Questions.

I'll see what I can do as soon as I can.

Monday, 14 March 2011

14th March 2011

Today, I received some feedback on my pieces.

While, The Contents page was okay, Criticism, I received was that, there was some empty space in the Cover & DPS.

So, I have gotten my main elements of those pages together, and either Warped or Rearranged so they filled in the Space Available to them.

Here are the Pieces...

In the Speed Analysis, Some students said the, DPS title was too spread apart, I'll use this advice and see if I can improve the DPS more.

Although, Next week, I do plan to get started on the Evaluation of the topic and this Work.

Monday, 7 March 2011

7th March 2011

Today, I did my work to type up the interview to my Double Page Spread.
This included a majority of my own writings, trying to make sure the marker, has something to look at and pay attention to, while looking at my piece.

I was also able to use to shadowing tool on the face of my model, in attempts to help secure their face better.
As shown below...


With Shadowing...

For next week, I plan to Start work on my, Evaluation, seeing how I think, the Project works. Because, I have got each three pieces of the main coursework printed and handed in to the Teacher.

I shall see what I can do with my evaluation, as soon as I can...