Monday, 4 April 2011

4th April 2011

Today, I was able to create and post up Parts 1, 2 & 3 of my Evaluation, along with getting the Powerpoint of Question 4 & 5 to work.

I shall continue to work on, Questions 6 & 7 before the week is out meaning I would have my full evaluation fixed for this project.

Question 3

While I have designed my Music Magazine, I need to figure out what type of Media Institution might be able to distribute my Product.

Whilst there are some companies that distribute Music Magazines like IPC (distributors of such Magazines like, NME & Uncut) or Bauner Media Group (Q & Kerrang), I need to determine, which group is best suited to an Indie Music Magazine.

There are such Magazines such as Amplifer ( or Radar, or even ‘Under The Radar’ ( which focus mainly on Independent Music, however, Ampifier is most part of it’s own independent issue.

However, I have looked up in my Research that, NME is a Magazine on Indie Music. This may come into help me into deciding in who to have distribute my Piece as if IPC have developed some Independent Music Magazines in the Past, they should be able to develop mine.

Question 1 & 2

Monday, 28 March 2011

28th March 2011

Today, I was able to fix my Powerpoint on Question 4 & 5 to my Evaluation and uploaded it onto, Slideshare, with the Post Above.

There are meant to be movement animations for my Power Point, however the technology on Slideshare, for some reason, doesn't allow it.
In the original method, Powerpoint was meant to have items fly in or fade, creating an artistic effect, however the technology isn't at a good phase for working online yet.

I now plan to continue with questions, 1-3 & 6-7, in order to have my Evaluation fixed by, Next Friday...

Monday, 21 March 2011

21st March 2011

Today, I began to work on my Evaluation for my Music Magazine Project, with Questions 4 & 5, I shall be doing them in, Powerpoint, adding Animation on the text & image to create a sense of Interactive in it.

I shall continue to work more on this Evaluation, by doing more on Question 4 & 5 and answering to the other Five Questions.

I'll see what I can do as soon as I can.

Monday, 14 March 2011

14th March 2011

Today, I received some feedback on my pieces.

While, The Contents page was okay, Criticism, I received was that, there was some empty space in the Cover & DPS.

So, I have gotten my main elements of those pages together, and either Warped or Rearranged so they filled in the Space Available to them.

Here are the Pieces...

In the Speed Analysis, Some students said the, DPS title was too spread apart, I'll use this advice and see if I can improve the DPS more.

Although, Next week, I do plan to get started on the Evaluation of the topic and this Work.

Monday, 7 March 2011

7th March 2011

Today, I did my work to type up the interview to my Double Page Spread.
This included a majority of my own writings, trying to make sure the marker, has something to look at and pay attention to, while looking at my piece.

I was also able to use to shadowing tool on the face of my model, in attempts to help secure their face better.
As shown below...


With Shadowing...

For next week, I plan to Start work on my, Evaluation, seeing how I think, the Project works. Because, I have got each three pieces of the main coursework printed and handed in to the Teacher.

I shall see what I can do with my evaluation, as soon as I can...

Monday, 28 February 2011

28th February 2011

Today, I began working on my, Double Page Spread and saving my Contents Page work.

For my, Contents Page, I was able to apply, Glowing effects, in which would help some of the text stand out, amongst the Lightning in the Background.

However, I was also able to get work started on my, Double Page Spread, this worked by getting a Worm's Eye view, of a city scene, before replacing the Background with the cloud sky, and super imposing my model onto it...

I also worked on using a Shadow against the Building, to the right Page of the Double Spread.
I was able to achieve this by copying the Model, and filling their image with just lighting and lowering opacity...

Next week, I intend to write up my, interview with my Music Figure. In order to fill the Double Page Spread with proper text, rather than generic, Q&A Quoting...

I'll see what I can do on more items for my Magazine.

Monday, 14 February 2011

14th February 2011

Today, I began work on my Contents Page.

It began by taking photos of a Guitar, which I intended to be used as the Line to mark my, Contents on...

This later continued into my work when I took the table on the side of it, and added a somewhat disco floor. giving it an artist license to it.

I was also able to use, Photoshop to add a Lightning Bolt into the Background and and Cat eye into the Guitar Hole, in order to keep consistant with my cover page.

Next time, I plan to add more onto the Contents Page, before starting on the Double Paging towards it.

Monday, 7 February 2011

7th February 2011

Today, I worked more on my Front Cover piece, by adding on the Tag Lines of the Music Magazine.
Both in text and in Layout.

I was able to have it so, The text revolved around the face in the center of the Cover.

I even added a Bar Code and Publication date & number.

I also used the Photoshop tools. to created Drop Shadows and Glows to effect the effect on the test which would layer my cover.

Next week, I plan to start on my contents page, hoping to get that created in two lessons or less.

Monday, 31 January 2011

Photoshop Editing/31 January 2011

Today, I worked on an image for my Front Cover, which required special use of, Photoshop.

First off, I began with Two Images, one of my Model, another of an Animal.
See below...

I then placed these images together on Photoshop and began by capturing the Felines face.
And then with the Layer of the Face, Recalling my Old Photo Test (see Blogs below), I superimposed the face over the image of my Model.
With special features, such as the Cloning Tool, to wipe off the Model's actual eyes & nose, I have been able to create this abstract, if not surreal image of my Model mixed in the Animals features.

Next Week, I shall add this to my Magazine Cover and fit it in between the Tag Lines, before starting work on the Contents & Double Page Spread.

Monday, 24 January 2011

24th January 2011

Today, I began to work on my Magazine Cover by putting one of my images on Photoshop and using the Magic Wand/ Feather Tool to cut the Background from my Artist and superimpose another background in.

I also learnt to use the Inner Shadow & Outer Glow tools and sharpening one of my somewhat blurry images.

I also created my own design for my Magazine Cover, So I wouldn't be stuck on a bland design from the avaliable fonts.

I shall try to take more Photos for Next Week and continue the Cover Work more.

Monday, 17 January 2011

17th January 2011

Today, I ran a Questionnaire, Deciding on what my Music Magazine should be called.
Along with starting up a Proposal for my Coursework.

The elements I need to fix in the Proposal now, is thinking up of Cover & Tag Lines, Choosing a Font & Taking the Original Photos, I plan to use in my editing.

I shall try to get them made, as soon as I can.

Music Magazine Proposal

For my Music Magazine, I plan to create a Rock Magazine titled “Transmission”

The Target Audience in which I plan to focus my subject on, would be the type of people, who take an Interest in new forms of, Music Groups, Gigs or Scenes.
Although, I am not entirely sure on what an Age Restriction should be, due to not wanting to make any form of Age Group feel excluded from anything in which the Magazine should have.

Both Title & Subject were both decided with from Results that were given within, Two Questionnaires, I have done throughout the Class.
As a reminder, here were the Title Suggestions, I had for the Magazine...

I was also able to deduct from my Questionnaire, that an Audience is drawn to a Magazine due to, what appears on the Cover. Possibly Candy to the eyes.
Because of this, I plan to make sure the Cover to this Magazine is as Interesting or Eye Catching as possible.
Cases in point could be this Cover to a Music Magazine…

I am also, still debating on what the Font Text to my Magazine Title/Text should be.
However, With the Link below, I should be able to find a suitable Font which would suit the image below it.

However, To offer a bit more freedom in design, I could design my own font and logo to be shown on my over head title.

With ideas of what the image, COULD be on the cover, could be like a Super Imposed/Merge type of picture, which is how I place two images together, and make them look like a single image.
I have had an experience like this before, when I created this image in Photography…

I have created this type of image before, So I know the method in which I should be able to make this in.
The idea of merging separate images could possibly take inspiration from a Raveline cover, I have studied before…

However, Whether it can be conventional, is something to be debated. But to support this ideas case, The Questionnaire said that a Majority of Audience gets captured by what the Cover Image is.
So, This idea should capture the idea in which would drive Audience attention to the Cover.

Within the Contents Page, I shall use a Normal Photo Shot of the Model, whose image I have Manipulated on the cover. To help Audience level back down to Earth after seeing the cover.

In the Cover Lines, I will mention on what I have as my Double Page Spread (Which is an Interview with the featured model on the cover), along with noting other Music, Subjects or anything Misc.

If what I plan for my Cover Piece works well, I should be able to demonstrate the Skills in which, I am able to offer within, Photoshop.

On my double page spread, I plan to have it be an interview with the Artist which I feature on the cover, I am still however deciding on whether it would be a full talk or a large Q&A.
I do know though, I would have an image of her to center on one side of the Double Page spread.

So far, I have got photos of my Artist in rough head and long shots.
Here are some...

I shall see what I can do with the images when I begin work on my Magazine Cover.

Questionnaire for Magazine Titles

Before I begin on my Proposal for my Music Magazine, I ran a questionnaire amongst the class, asking them for their opinion on Ten title ideas in which I came up with for my Music Magazine.

These titles consisted of...

  • Sound
  •  SurrOUNDed
  •  Pandora
  •  Sonancy
  •  Revolberation
  •  Coltrane
  •  Assimilate
  •  Modulate
  •  Rataplan
  •  Transmission
Upon running the Questionnaire...I discovered that the most popular title amongst them was; "Transmission", winning almost 50% of Votes.
So, I have decided that for my Music Magazine, It's title shall be, "Transmission".
This can associate with the idea of Music, since Radio stations usually 'Transmit' Music...

I shall now get started on my Music Magazine Proposal, since I now have a Title for my Magazine in mind.

Monday, 10 January 2011

January 10th 2011

Today, I created and ran a Questionnaire, in working to have my Audience Research Conducted.

This means, I got 7/9 pieces of the Research & Planning Checklist, ticked.
Next week, I plan to get a couple of Titles ideas for my Magazine before running another Questionnaire to see which title, my Audience prefers most.

Hopefully, I should be able to get my task, working before the Hand In Date.

Questionnaire Tests

Today, In Session.
I created a Questionnaire Test, in which I asked about Nine People. the following questions...

1. What is your favorite Genre of Music?

 2. Do you Buy any Music Magazines?

 3A. If  Yes, Which ones?

3B. If No, Why not?

4. What Price Range would you pay for a Music Magazine?

5. What do you want to see in a Music Magazine?

6. What draws your attention to a Music Magazine?

When I got my results back, it seemed apparent that, 7/9 People preferred, Indie Music.
The Two who didn't, liked Metal or R&B.

Only a Third of them said to Buy Music Magazines, namely the Kerrang or NME.
However, he Two Thirds who didn't buy, either said that the Music Magazine was too expensive, or that it wasn't their type.

Pretty much All of the Participants agreed that they would prefer to pay from £2 - £3 in order to get a Magazine, and Expect to see an Interest in New Music coming on the scene.

And again, all agreed that it is a Cover, which drives them to choose a Certain Magazine.

I can take these Results and use them, in helping me on what I should do, when I get round to creating  my own Music Magazine Cover.
One result that I can definitely tell is, I will need to do a lot of work on the Cover, so it will catch on my Audience Eye, maybe feature a mention on a New Music piece on the scene but also have it at a price between £2 & £3.